Technician Productivity, Utilisation & Efficiency

Time is precious and, once the day has passed, it cannot be sold again. Use this Workspace to get an instant overview of Technician and Workshop performance.

With our Technician workspace you can easily track the performance of individual Technicians, Teams or entire Workshops highlighting their Productivity, Utilisation and Efficiency.

  • Full breakdown of Attended, Productive, Taken and Idle Hours.
  • Full breakdown of Jobs Clocked and Jobs Invoiced.
  • No more multi-sold or split-line headaches – we take care of that ensuring each Technician is awarded their individual share of the time.
  • Show Sold Hours, Sold Revenue, Productivity, Utilisation and Efficiency for all Technicians side by side.
  • Allow Technicians to manage their own Work In Progress and be able to link back to the WIP workspace.

Ready to get started?

Don’t just take our word for it. Contact us today for a demonstration and see for yourself the power of our automotive Workspaces.