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Automotive Management: Future of Motor Retail

We're delighted to feature in the June issue of Automotive Management, in the Future of Motor Retail feature, sharing our thoughts on five ways data can transform Retailer performance.

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Five ways data can transform retailer performance

The ability to see business-critical information, updated in near-real time, opens countless opportunities for automotive retailers to boost productivity and performance during the coming year and beyond.

Turbocharged decision-making

During the pandemic, many retailers moved to overhaul digital capabilities and accelerate the switch to omnichannel retailing.

The speed of this transition intensified pressure on decision-making and underlined the importance of understanding exactly what is going on in your business at any given moment.

That’s where AutoBI’s Business Intelligence Workspaces come in.

Intelligent data analysis

AutoBI’s comprehensive analytics suite provides near real-time updates on critical information including CRM, sales, service and parts.

It seamlessly gathers the data you need from across your automotive business and turns it into clear visual representations of headline KPIs, giving you an accurate overview of what matters the most – with the ability to drill down for further detail.

The benefits of utilising such a solution include:

1. Saving time

Extracting, collating and cross-referencing information from multiple systems is hugely time-consuming and is open to human error. With a digital solution that automatically collates and interprets this data, then presents it via intuitive Workspaces, there are significant time savings – leaving team members free to focus on other areas of the business.

2. One source of truth

Dealer management systems hold data from millions of transactions. By using an intuitive BI Workspace you can extract, interpret and report this information to quickly gain an accurate picture of what is happening across your business. It’s data you can rely on and easily share with all stakeholders so everyone sees the same picture.

3. Quick reactions

The negative impact of a reduction in recovery rate, technician productivity or the number of customers receiving test drives can hit a retailer quickly. However, you may not discover this until ‘after the event’, by which time the damage has been done. With the help of AutoBI Workspaces, you can see the impact of changes in near-real-time and resolve any issues before they affect revenue, customer retention or reputation.

4. Sharpening your competitive edge

With up-to-date data you can quickly spot important trends you can use to benefit your business. Having identified these patterns you can then invest in appropriate stock, parts, support and communications to ensure you are the destination of choice for customers.

5. No hidden surprises

With the help of the right Business Intelligence Workspace, you will have the information you need at your fingertips – no more chasing for the latest reports. This transparency across all key areas of the business will give you the confidence that there’s nothing ‘lurking in the cupboard’ ready to derail plans or progress.

Knowledge is power

As the pace of change continues to increase, it’s never been more important to have a clear, accurate and live picture of Retailer performance. With help of an innovative business intelligence solution, you can ensure you make the right decisions quickly and continue motivating teams to perform at their peak.

For more information about how AutoBI can help you, call 01522 711111 or email hello@autobi.co.uk

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